Friday, February 5, 2010


Everyone around me uses the term "LIFE SUCKS!" Till some point of time, I used to do the same. Nothing was going right, and my answer to everything was, "Life sucks!"..Y does this happen to me only?

At some point of my life, I got this epiphany. And I realised this: The more I believe life sucks, the more it will suck. If I change my point of view, if I believe that everything happens for a reason, I know that everything will turn out right. There is one reason for my epiphany: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Life's eventually what you make it..

So I learned a lot and changed my point of view. And with this blog post, I want to just share a few life lessons I have learned personally:-

1. If you ever feel like doing something, just do it. You wanna dance in the middle of the road? Do it. You want to wear a certain type of clothing? Do it. You wanna sing, even if it is out of key? Do it. Never be afraid of the world laughing at you, because no matter what you do, there will always be someone who will mock you. You only get this life once -- live it the way you want to!

2. You are beautiful. Short, tall, fat, skinny -- you are beautiful. Beauty is a subjective term, isn't it? The standards of beauty that society claims for people is so warped, that it would probably take a lifetime supply of Fair and Lovely to get you to look like those models in the advertisements. It is a cliche line, but true at the same time: beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Think about it - would you rather be someone you are not to try and appease to the shallow standards of society, or be happy and content in your own skin? The more you try to impress someone, the more miserable you will be.

3. Don't blame God for your failures. If you're an atheist, this point is invalid, but if you do believe in God, stop blaming Her/him for your failures. You're in this world for a reason. Every action you do has a purpose behind it. You may not realise it now, but God has a plan for you. God listens to everyone. Just remember the mantra - never give up.

4. Listen to your mom. She is ALWAYS right. Your mom has seen life way more than you have, and there is no other person who can give you better advice than she can. Take her advice, and it may just work for you!

5. Believe in a better life. If you think your life is bad, then that's what you will see around you -- a bad life. But if you change your view, think positive thoughts, you will start to notice positive things around you. When I say there is power in positive thinking, trust me, it works. Try with the small things, and then work your way to the bigger. Remember - if you think positively, only positive things will happen..

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