Thursday, February 10, 2011

20 random things about me!!

1. I love to dance..

2. I am always searching for the next big thing- work, love, life, whatever. But not always sure the effort in finding it will be worth it!

3. I am brutally honest, so I try to keep my philosophy very simple: Ask no questions and I will tell you no lies.

4. I always see the world in black and white. The whole concept of grey doesn't work with me.

5. I am very sentimental, especially when it comes to my family and friends..

6. I think the best thing in life is lazing in the garden with a great book, some great music, and Kababs.

8. I love photography..longing to buy a digital SLR..

9. I LOVE chocolate, indiscriminately.

10. I LOVE fresh cut flowers..

11. I have no regrets about any decisions I've made in life, personal or professional. No matter what their result.

12. I love the Monsoon. It is so joyful, romantic, and full of hope.

13. I want to travel the world on a round the world ticket. Someday soon.

14. I judge people by their feet and footwear. Try it, you'll find clean feet and clean shoes speak volumes for a person.

15. Which brings me to my obsession- shoes. I have more than 80 pairs of shoes..

16. I think there is nothing sexier than a sari...It makes a woman look beautiful..

17. I am as private a person as I am public. My home is personal space, and only very few are invited in.

18. My closest friends are those who don't judge me, but don't hesitate telling me whether I'm right or wrong. I can count them on the fingers of one hand. They know who they are, and thank God for all of them.

19. I have realised offlate that i like cooking...especially non-veg cuisine..

20. I am attracted to older men..they are mature..sincere..and sensible..

Love is Gone

He made a difference to my life...yes, he did!!
He made me smile..he made me cry..he made me angry..he made me feel special..he made me happy..he made his presence felt in my life..
Was it another phase of life or true love..i don't know..
There are many questions in my mind...i am undergoing a major turmoil..will i ever get any answers to the questions..

Was it just a dream? Did i misunderstand? I don't know..
I miss those crazy nights...i miss those random conversations...i miss those drinking sessions..and most of all I miss you..

I will cherish those days all through my life...
Thanks for for being there meanie...
Love always..